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United States ruling, which paved the way for an astonishing series of federal court decisions legalizing same-sex marriage in 28 states and raising the overall number of marriage equality states to 37 plus the District of Columbia. The court subsequently gutted a significant portion of DOMA in its historic Windsor v. Schatz also released a similar press statement on the court proceedings that noted he had signed an amicus brief to the court in March 2013, urging justices to nullify the federal Defense of Marriage Act (DOMA). … The Supreme Court has the opportunity to make history and do what is right.” Older adults who are lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender, queer. It was also the first state to consider legalizing gay marriage as far back as 1993, which led to the Supreme Court of Hawaii passing the Hawaii Marriage Equality Act in 2013. and its Twitter handles NSSNow and RyersonNIA. Back in 1973, it was one of the first 6 states in the US to legalize homosexuality. “Committed couples, whether they are gay or straight, deserve to be treated equally under the law. Hawaii has a history of being super gay-friendly. “Today as # SCOTUS begins to hear arguments on # MarriageEquality, I’m confident it will rule that marriage equality is a constitutional right,” he said. Schatz’s social media gave a strong indication of how he thinks the court will come down on the issue when it makes its expected ruling in June. Hirono later tweeted the photo, along with a message of support. Mazie Hirono, left, embraces a marriage equality supporter outside the U.S.

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